
Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

As many of you know, Melanie and I have desired to know God’s will for us in the area of children. We thought that children would come quickly after we got married. However, for us and, we’ve learned, many other couples this was not the case.
God has spent the past 4 1/2 years teaching us to trust and lean on Him. We have had to give this area of our lives over to Him, and seek not to take it back. At times this “teaching” has been easier than other times. I have prayed that God would size our family however He can best use us for His glory, whether that means with or without children. And yet, our heart’s desire this entire time was that He would open Melanie’s womb.
We have been blessed by countless numbers of prayer warriors. Our families have faithfully prayed, our friends have commited themselves to prayer, even acquaintances and those we haven’t met have lifted up our desire for children. For example, multiple of my younger brothers and sisters have prayed nightly for “Nathan and Melanie to have a baby.”
And now, in direct answer to these prayers, our hearts are over-joyed as we announce that God has gifted us with a pregnancy. Melanie is now carrying our first child. We anticipate Baby Maxwell’s arrival mid-May of ‘07. Truly God is gracious. We continue to covet your prayers for this child’s protection and sustaining these next months.


Thank you!

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

Melanie and I have been blessed over and over again as we’ve read your comments in response to our “Joy” post below. We were overwhelmed with the reminder of how many “unmet friends” we have who have faithfully prayed for us and will continue to. Thank you so much!
Nathan and Melanie

Prayer Request

Monday, November 6th, 2006

We wanted to share some recent news we’ve received regarding our baby/pregnancy with those who are so graciously praying for us. We recently had a sonagram that showed some abnormalities. Specifically, it appears like there is a cyst of some sort on the child’s brain stem. We find out more during an early December appointment. Our doctor encouraged us not to worry but to pray. Our desire is God’s healing while we continue to rejoice in the gift of life He has blessed us with. He is in complete control and we want Him to be glorified in all areas of our lives.


Baby Update

Tuesday, December 12th, 2006
Dear Friends,
You may remember that Melanie and I were going to have a ultrasound first part of December. We have elected to delay it until January. This will reduce the number of ultrasounds we have, which we feel is in the child’s best interest. We continue to covet your prayers.

Baby Update

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

Last Sunday I preached from 2 Tim 1:1, where it starts, "Paul, an apostle (messenger) of Jesus Christ by the will of God..." The congregation was a group of residents from a local nursing home. I was sharing with them that God has a plan/will for their lives – even where they are at right now. John 6:40 clarifies that God’s will, big picture, is that everyone believe on His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. But even beyond that, He has a will, a day to day desire for each of those dear people that were listening to me. John 6:40, “And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life...”

I was struck that our little one, still being formed in the womb, is under God’s care and that He already has a plan for that little life – a plan that at this point even we as his/her parents don’t know. Salvation is His primary desire for Baby Maxwell, after that?? Eph 3:20 gives us a clue though, we are told that it is beyond our ability to ask or imagine. This has greatly encouraged Melanie and I.
Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us...”

Baby Maxwell continues to grow and get stronger. At a recent ultra-sound, the tech pointed out a little calf muscle, indicative of an active baby. We enjoy seeing the baby’s profile and also watching the cute little hands, arms and feet appear on screen. The child still has a stomach issue that will require surgery immediately after birth. What other special needs the baby may or may not have, only time will tell.

Our biggest prayer request right now is that Baby stays in the womb as long as possible. His/her stomach issue means there is excess amniotic fluid surrounding the baby, which can cause labor to come sooner. We are also praying the Lord will direct us to the correct (maybe even Christian?) perinatalogist, hospital, neonatalogist, pediatric surgeon, and whomever else gets involved.


Please Pray for Nathan and Melanie’s Baby

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

For those who are praying, Nathan asked us to post a blog update. Melanie has been admitted to the hospital in an attempt to stop contractions. Melanie is 28 weeks at this point. Here are the specific prayer requests that Nathan had. First that the contractions would stop and that this baby would not be born for several more weeks. You could also pray for Melanie in coping with and lessening of the side effect of the medication she is on to stop the contractions. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. They continue to rest in the Lord Jesus.

Teri for Nathan and Melanie

Baby Update

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

I wanted to thank everyone for their prayer support. Truly this little one is blessed beyond measure to have so many faithfully lifting his/her little life up to the Throne of Mercy. We are thrilled that the contractions have mostly gone away and that Melanie is now resting more comfortably. She will remain hospitalized for another couple of days. Lord willing the contractions will not return ideally for another seven or eight weeks.


Update on the Baby and Melanie

Friday, February 16th, 2007

First I want to start with thanking people for their prayers, love and support. We are so grateful and undeserving. We have been greatly blessed by the comments left and have recognized a number of the names which is fun.

The contractions have largely dissipated. We are grateful for the Lords gracious intervening. Melanie will be observed through tomorrow and then probably released, assuming no further labor. The more time that goes on the less of the medication is in her system.

We do not know when labor will return. She will be on bed rest to attempt to forestall it as long as possible. Please pray that the baby will have at least 6 more weeks, minimally, to develop. 34 is still preemie but nothing like 28.

Again thank you for your prayers. They were both needed and effective. Wed evening/night was extremely challenging as Melanie’s body bore the brunt of this medication. A few of the comments left indicate some of you know the challenge these meds are. I was stretched way beyond my comfort zone as I sought to comfort my hurting wife. The Lord Jesus was a very real source of comfort both directly and through the passages we just happened to read (did you know how many miracles of healing there are around Matt 8 and 9?).



Sunday, February 18th, 2007

A short update . . . Melanie was released from the hospital and is now home resting. We were very happy driving home from the hospital – all three of us. Everyone was where they were supposed to be – the two adults in the front seats and baby in the womb.

Now we wait and see when the Lord’s timing is for Little One to arrive. We pray that is early April, but have no way of knowing.


Please pray for Melanie and baby

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

Nathan and Melanie just called to tell us that Melanie had contractions all night. They are headed to the hospital again. Melanie is now 29 weeks. We know many of you have faithfully prayed for this baby, and we continue to ask you to pray. God is faithful. We trust Him and rest in Him.

Trusting in Jesus,

Teri for Nathan and Melanie

Baby Update!

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

Great news. Melanie’s contractions have slowed way down and decreased in intensity so much that she gets to go back home to her bed rest there. God has kept that baby in for at least another day. We continue to be grateful for your prayers and will keep you updated as we have further news.

Trusting in Jesus,
Teri for Nathan and Melanie

Baby Update

Monday, February 26th, 2007

We wanted to give everyone a brief update. Melanie continues to have some contractions but is resting at home. She is being a great sport about the bedrest. Having my family so close is a huge blessing; Melanie’s family is reasonably close which is nice as well. Frequently one of our little sisters will bring their schoolwork over and be Melanie’s little personal assistant for the morning/day. My grandma has become official laundry lady–every time clean clothes come out of our drawers we are grateful (I don’t think I would be getting it done very regularly :-) ). My mom is over a number of times each day helping out with things here and there, she’ll just see something around the house and take care of it–we are greatly blessed.

We continue to pray that Little One remains where he/she is at for at least a few more weeks. We have met with the surgeon who will perform Baby’s surgery and feel comfortable with who God has provided to handle this issue.

Our desire in all this is that our Lord will be honored and glorified. He has formed Baby this way for a specific purpose. Yes, this has created some trauma and concern in our hearts, but we are learning to trust. God is in perfect control. This is not just something I am typing because it’s the obligatory way to end a note like this but something we are truly internalizing — we are learning to trust. We’ve never been so powerless to affect a situation; we’re troubled at the thought of Baby being rushed to the Neo-Natal ICU after birth, stuck, tubed, and who knows what else. But, God has planned each step of this little life out, that doesn’t just begin when he/she turns 18, it begins when life begins — at conception — far before birth.

Please pray that we will be a witness for our Lord Jesus Christ as we have opportunities to interact with so many different people. We want to be bold in identifying with Christ and communicating where our trust and confidence is.

Nathan and Melanie

Baby Update

Thursday, March 15th, 2007

Melanie and baby continue to be doing well. Melanie is having more contractions and getting more uncomfortable in general. But, we hear that’s how pregnancies go. :-)

The most recent Dr’s appointment was very positive.

We continue to be blessed with care from my family. Even during the house building project there is always someone at least available and often over here. Recently a deliveryman brought something to the door and was ringing the doorbell. Melanie called across the street and Sarah came running over to receive the package. My mom, with all she has going on, spends time visiting with Melanie, cleaning, tidying, and whatever else needs to be done over here. Mary and Anna are becoming quite skilled Momma/baby-sitters. My grandma sends meals over, is great company for Melanie, and continues to take care of our laundry. We are so grateful for the care we are receiving. It is allowing Melanie to stay down and rest–exactly what she’s supposed to be doing.


Susannah Joy

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

Susannah Joy was born March 21 at 4:10 am. She weighed 5 lbs 2 oz.

Susannah was born not breathing and is having major complications. Much effort is being put into her care, but it is unknown if she will pull through. We would covet your prayers for Susannah and Melanie and I.

(by Steve)

Susannah Joy Update

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

It’s late but I wanted to post a short update. We were all able to see Susannah Joy this evening, so precious, still, and helpless. Nathan, and Melanie are doing quite well considering. It was a very bitter-sweet evening. Thank you so much for praying. God is so good, always good.

In going through this my heart goes out to the families who have gone through something similar, but were alone, without the Lord Jesus and local support. Without family and friends is one thing, but without the Lord Jesus is unimaginable. We are grateful for you prayers. Bless you.

In Christ Jesus,


Susannah Joy Update

Thursday, March 22nd, 2007

Susannah Joy made it past the twenty four hour mark. She is still in very critical condition and unresponsive. She needs for her blood pressure to stabilize. There are other concerns the doctors have, but if the blood pressure isn’t where it needs to be, the other issues don’t matter. We are grateful for all the prayer support and encouragement. We serve a God Who works miracles for those who trust Him. We are seeking to fully trust and look to Him.


Baby photo

Thursday, March 22nd, 2007

Susannah Joy Update

Thursday, March 22nd, 2007

Thank you’all for your faithful fervent prayers. I’ve been able to read all the blog comments as I can see them on my phone.

Being able to write another update is a privelege. It means we’ve had another part of a day with Susannah. Melanie and I cherish each moment we get with her. She is so precious. She hasn’t even smiled and our hearts are totally smitten.

Her blood pressure did better today. This is a huge answer to prayer. Since it would rise and fall it was hard to get excited about how it was doing. But I think there was some improvement. The Dr.'s felt like they were able to get her IV's stabilized so they weren’t having to constantly adjust what was being given and how much.

She is still totally listless and lacks even basic reflexes. Melanie and I would be so happy just to see a finger move or an eyelid flutter.

The hospital staff has been great. Melanie got to hold Susannah today. This NICU team is committed to babies being held. This is one reason we selected this hospital. Took three nurses to get her out of the incubator and over to her mother. There have been a lot of tears shed of late and there were quite a few more shed when that precious little girl was set on Melanie.

We have fully given little Susannah to our Lord and are looking to Him for our strength and courage.


Pictures from Yesterday

Friday, March 23rd, 2007

Difficult news

Friday, March 23rd, 2007

We’ve had a difficult talk with a neo-natalogist today. Our desire is to be fully yielded to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. What that will entail we don’t know. Susannah has been given to the Lord. We’ve asked Him to use her as He sees fit. We thought we knew what that looked like. Now we’ve had placed directly before us the fact that our little one may never have fully been with us after birth. We believe life begins at conception and ends when the spirit leaves the body. Susannah’s spirit may have already left.

In total honesty, there is no measurable evidence of brain activity. At first this wasn’t a big deal but each hour that goes by increases the likelihood that it won’t start. I’ve asked the Dr what would cause him to reverse his diagnose and he said she would need to wake up and be able to follow movement with her eyes. Frankly this is about like asking her to climb out of her isolette.

We are praying for Gods direction. We are asking Him to take this difficult decision from us and if He chooses not to give us the grace to do what we need to.

We love you all and thank you for your prayers and support. I read a bunch of blog comments to Susannah last night. She’s even keeping up with what you are saying.


Final Susannah Joy Maxwell Update

Saturday, March 24th, 2007

It is with broken, grieving hearts that we need to let you know that our Father’s plans for Susannah were much different than ours. Having spent the past three days loving and cherishing every moment with our little girl today we said a final goodbye as her life gently slipped from her.

God is faithful even in the hard times. I must say that I never had a desire to learn that. However, He who didn’t spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all also has a plan for Susannah, Melanie and my life.

Even though this has been far and away the most challenging, yet also sweetest, time of our lives God took our little Susannah from us in a most gentle way. My heart’s deep concern was that I would have to make some very difficult decisions regarding her care. I did not have to and am so grateful. The Lord had His hand on her little body and it was apparent the entire day that she was not long with us.

Please continue to pray for us as we make this difficult transition. In particular for Melanie as her body is still going through recovery.

Thank you to everyone for their love and support. Little Susannah had such an immeasurable prayer covering.

We love our little Susannah and thank you for doing the same.


Wednesday Update

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

Thank you to each and every one for your love, sympathy, and compassion. Melanie and I have been blessed over and over again as we’ve read your blog comments, the Scripture you left, the poems, the hymns . . . the Lord has used each word to comfort us. Our Father has surrounded us with His care expressed by not only Himself, but others as well. We are amazed at how many people have suffered losses similar to ours. Thank you for loving Susannah.

The Lord has granted strength for each step. Things I thought would be impossible I’ve been able to do. This is not my strength or wisdom but God’s graciousness.

Tomorrow evening is the public visitation. Please pray both for this, and the family graveside service on Friday. We desire for God to be glorified in all areas. This is so out of our realm and comfort zone, yet our heart’s desire is to trust and honor Him. We want people to meet our little Susannah. We desire that God would use her life and death for His purposes in hearts.

We’re preparing a photo slide-show of our precious days with Susannah that we’ll post in the next day or so. Many of you have loved her and will hopefully be blessed by seeing some more of her. We delight in the four days we had with our SusieQ.

Job 1:20-22 has been very significant to us. My pastor shared this with us, and we have been meditating on it since. My mom memorized it while holding Susannah her last night with us, she quoted it out loud many times and thought Susannah probably learned it before she did. Job, after being told of the loss of his children and possessions, got up from where he was, tore his rob, shaved his head, fell to the ground and worshiped. David, (2 Samuel 12:20) after being told of the death of his first son by Bathsheba, arose from where he was, washed, and went into the house of the Lord where he worshiped. Melanie and I are desiring a response to Susannah’s home going that involves heart-felt worship while prostrate before our Lord.

Melanie sang the first verse and chorus of Trusting Jesus to Susannah frequently. I will close with it.

Simply trusting ev’ry day,
Trusting thro’ a stormy way;
Even when my faith is small,
Trusting Jesus, that is all.

Trusting as the moments fly,
Trusting as the days go by;
Trusting Him whate’er befall,
Trusting Jesus, that is all.
(Edgar Page Stites)


Pretty Flowers for My Little Girl

Saturday, March 31st, 2007

Several times Nathan spoke those words as he looked at the flowers friends had given for Susannah Joy. I can’t describe the emotions raised in my heart each time I heard him say that poignant phrase.

Thursday evening’s visitation was very difficult for everyone. Nathan and Melanie had gone to much effort in the attempt to introduce those coming to Susannah Joy. It was beautiful and heart-wrenching.

There were two tables set up with special things from Susannah’s crib, photos, a poem about Susannah, and Scripture. In a separate room was a projector showing many of the photos from the hospital. Nathan and Melanie were in the chapel with Susannah and spoke with people as they passed through.

For two hours there was a steady stream of friends, neighbors, and Nathan’s clients. The outpouring of love and encouragement was overwhelming. The surprise of the evening was when five residents, who are part of our Families for Jesus assembly, came to offer their love. Four were in wheel chairs and one used a walker. They had a beautiful Bible in a decorative cedar box that they gave to Nathan and Melanie. Their coming and gift, were a special treasure. We were all quite drained as we drove home.

Nathan asked that the graveside service be limited to family. Even then, there were twenty five of us. There was a small tent set up which was needed because it was cloudy with periods of rain.

Nathan shared a number of things from his heart when he opened and closed the burial “service.” We sang “Trust and Obey” and “Trusting Jesus” together because those songs had been sung to Susannah in the hospital and helped sustain Nathan and Melanie during those hours. Joseph, Anna, Jesse, and John sang and played a song called Susannah’s Lullaby written and composed especially for her. Nathan asked several of Melanie and his brothers to read Scripture verses that had been very meaningful to Nathan and Melanie while Susannah was in the hospital. Melanie’s father and I briefly shared some thoughts that the Lord had placed on our hearts. Grandad closed our service in prayer. It was a beautiful time in the Lord Jesus.

In the midst of our grief, we will often speak truth to each other, “God is good.” The rain that fell, at times by the bucket-full, seemed to represent our tears and the unseen mercy and grace being poured out on all of us.

Your comments and prayers have been such a blessing and encouragement to us and Nathan and Melanie. Thank you.

In Christ Jesus,


Susannah’s Life in Pictures

Saturday, March 31st, 2007

A few days ago, I was unloading flowers from my car after Susannah’s graveside service. On my last trip to the car, I noticed a long, slender, closed lily flower had broken from the stem and was lying on the floor of my car. I picked it up, not sure what to do with it. As I looked at it, a thought crept into my mind that said, “Hmmm, a flower just like Susannah–beautiful, but will never bloom.” I know God had a purpose for Susannah Joy’s life, but little doubts can creep in sometimes. I left the flower in the yard for lack of a better idea.

Saturday, as I was walking through my yard, my gaze was caught by a fully open, beautiful and delicate, lily flower lying in the grass. It was the same one I had discarded only a day before. It had “bloomed.” It was like God showed me again that little Susannah had bloomed. She was here for the perfect amount of time for His purposes.

I wanted to share her slide-show with you. These pictures were scrolling on a screen at the funeral home after people exited the chapel. A little unconventional probably, but we wanted visitors to see her life. Joseph helped prepare it for posting to the blog. You’ll need a Shockwave plug-in to view it. ( and look for the “Get AdobeFlashPlayer” icon.)

When you start it, you’ll see controls in the upper right that will allow you to manually advance each picture, or set it to auto-advance. The music you’re hearing is Susannah’s Lullaby written and composed for her by Joseph. It’s played and sung by a number of the Maxwells.

In the pictures, you will see Susannah, myself and Melanie, my parents (my mom holding Susannah and my dad participating in a little prayer service), Melanie’s parents, and Susannah’s tallest uncle. In the prayer service “Elder,” a gentleman in the Maxwell’s Families for Jesus Fellowship, came to the hospital to pray for her.

You will also notice a number of Bradford Pear tree pictures. When we left the hospital without our little Susannah, we noticed that spring had arrived and that the Bradford Pears were in bloom. The Lord provided this little blessing for us as our hearts mourned the loss of Susannah. We will never see another blooming Bradford Pear without remembering our Susannah Joy.

Susannah Joy’s Life in Pictures:

Susannah Joy's Slideshow and Lullaby

Susannah Joy's Slideshow and Lullaby


Susannah Joy’s Lullaby with Love

It’s been on Joseph’s heart to re-record the lullaby he wrote for Susannah’s funeral. He didn’t want to just redo it; he wrote a bridge in addition for the song.  We know the deep ache many have felt as they’ve gone through the loss of a precious child, and we hope this song will minister to you. We all miss Susannah, yet we know this separation is only temporary.

Click here to view the video slideshow and listen to the lullaby on Titus2.

And we can’t wait to meet you, when we see you at Heaven’s gates. 

vocals by Anna, Mary, and Joseph Maxwell
guitar by Joseph Maxwell
bass by Mary Maxwell
keyboard by Jesse Maxwell

“And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there …
but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”

Revelation 21:25&27